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Cli-fi and the Powers That Be: Exclusive Interview with post-apocalyptic and dystopian author, Alexia Muelle-Rushbrook

So for those are following me on TikTok and seeing me embarrass myself with goofy videos about books, you may have come across the wonderful Alexia Muelle-Rushbrook. Crushing the BookTok scene, she has seen some recent success as an independent author for her self-published books. And of course, she is a fellow dystopian and sci-fi reader!

It felt like a fantastic opportunity to quiz her on the Minority Rule Trilogy. Here's what I found out:

What is the dystopian premise of The Minority Rule and why did you write it?

The Minority Rule - Dystopian Book Cover

The Minority Rule is set in a post-apocalyptic world where wars and climate change left humanity on its knees, but out of the ashes The Powers That Be rose. Now united in Utopian cities, life is peaceful for humanity—as long as you follow the rules.


Under this new regime, the importance of balancing nature’s restoration with humanity’s prosperity is indoctrinated into people from birth, instilling gratitude and compliance even though infertility is an ever-growing concern. At eighteen, people are graded 0-3 and then genetically matched and/or assigned jobs. For the rare 3s, the future is clear. Donate eggs, marry, and raise children. Maia believes in the mandate, but she dreams of helping through science, not her uterus.

Unfortunately no one, including Maia’s family, cares. Now twenty-four and out of options, she is forced into submission and loses all hope—until she meets her partner, his mother, and a 112-year-old woman with secrets that could change everything. If she is willing to share…


Although The Minority Rule is primarily a dystopian trilogy, it also has strong cli-fi elements. I would never want society to get to the level depicted in my novel, but it is my response to the slippery slope humanity is on today—or rather my plea not to let us go so far. I honestly believe humans are guardians of this Earth, but that doesn’t make us rulers or more important than any other species.


I didn’t want it to be a heavy story though and absolutely wanted readers to immerse themselves in the MC’s story without feeling preached at. Ultimately, I want it to be a trilogy of hope—both environmentally and personally because the other driving force behind why I wrote the book is to champion individual voice and highlight the value of a person beyond the ideals society deems worthy (in this case motherhood). I do not mean to dismiss or belittle parents, but simply wanted to point out that not all can or choose to have children, and ‘worth’ should not be measured by one’s own choices.


It took two years for me to fully listen, but it was Maia’s voice that made me take the leap from ‘I should write’ to ‘I have written’, and without that I would not now be working on my sixth book!


What are the main dystopian themes in The Minority Rule?


Although I have the stereotypical post-apocalyptic world, totalitarian government, and mission to save Earth included in The Minority Rule, I haven’t got the single poor child who wants to take down the dictatorship. Maia comes from a high-powered family and physically she has everything—and she wants to help the government. It isn’t until she realises there is no place for her to breathe as an individual and learns the whole truth that she finds a new mission…

Most dystopian fictions have a critique on society - what ideas does The Minority Rule try to address?

I’ve already touched on this above, so without repeating myself too much, climate change, humanity’s place in the circle of life, and society’s regard for those ‘less than’ or ‘different’ are constant themes throughout the trilogy.


The Minority Rule is part of a series - can you give us some sneak peeks at the other two books?


It is! Beyond the Fence is book two in the trilogy, is set in a prison and introduces cyberpunk elements. Unlike book one, the MC is not Maia, and the story runs parallel to The Minority Rule, showing the dark flipside of life for a fertile woman who angers the Powers That Be.


Book three, Into the Fog, connects both stories, and begins immediately after the end of The Minority Rule where Maia finds out the truth. Now she just has to decide what she wants to do with it…

Where can people buy these books?


All three books are included in Kindle Unlimited, so subscribers can read them there, or eBooks can be purchased from Amazon.


The paperbacks are available for purchase via Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Waterstones, and other online bookstores.

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